Set custom favicon for your website

* Convert a PNG image to multi-device supported favicon.


If you want to set custom favicon should follow those steps bellow:

Using WordPress Customizer

  1. Login your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Go to Appearance menu.
  3. Select Customizer.
  4. Find and click on General Tab on the left side customizer menu.
  5. Then you can see the Favicon tab.
  6. Click on Favicon tab.


Using Theme Settings

  1. Login your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Go to Appearance menu.
  3. Select Theme Settings.
  4. Click on General Tab in left side.
  5. In right side you can see the Favicon settings


  1. Favicon Main :  Here is main (default) favicon for site. ( Note:  Perfect favicon size is  16px X 1px OR 32px X 32px ).
  2. Apple iPhone Icon :  This favicon is for apple IPHONE device. ( Note:  Perfect favicon size is 57px X 57px ).
  3. Apple iPhone Retina Icon :  This favicon is for apple IPHONE ratina device. ( Note:  Perfect favicon size is 114px X 114px ).
  4. Apple iPad Icon :  This favicon is for apple IPad device. ( Note:  Perfect favicon size is 72px X 72px ).
  5. Apple iPad Retina Icon :  This favicon is for apple IPad ratina device. ( Note:  Perfect favicon size is 144px X 144px ).

To change the change click on Save Changes button.